Chemtrail Plakat

chem-busters_plakat_odense_lille.jpgDenne Chemtrail Plakat blev spottet på Odense Station d. 19/10-2008 og videre sendt her til

Nylonmanden siger mange tak for plakat aktionen - Opsat af ukendte - De ukendte skal være meget velkommene til at kontakte mig her på siden, så vi kan udveksle information om dette sundhedsmæssige problem, miljøpåvirkningsteknik og krigsførelsesteknik der går under navnet Chemtrails.

The Corporatists

The Corporatists :

By Philip Jones 16th October 2008

euccp300x.jpgCORPORATISTS of left, right and centre show a marked hostility to allegations that the European Union is fundamentally fascist. This is perhaps not surprising since they combine in their belief in supranational government, collective solutions, corporatist economics, State intervention and what Tony Blair often termed the “Third Way” most of the characteristics of fascism.
They must therefore seek to distance themselves from that discredited ideology. This is made easier if they can find an enemy to whom they can ascribe the values of “fascism” – they choose nationalists and those they term “the extreme right”.

Lovens Tyranni

eu-gendarmeri.jpgEuro-gendarmeriet og den Europæiske Arrestordre

Af Philip Jones 29. september 2008.

Mens vi sover trygt i vores senge om natten (nogle mere trygt end andre) indføres ’Forbundsrepublikken den Sovjetiske Europæisk Superstat’ fortsat uhæmmet, dråbe for dråbe. På trods af den Irske afstemning om Lissabon-traktaten i juni 2008.

The Tyranny Of The Law

The Euro Gendarmerie and the European Arrest Warrant.
Philip Jones 29th Sept 2008

eu-gendarmeri.jpgAs we sleep peacefully in our beds at night (some more than others) the drip by drip introduction of the Federal Soviet European Superstate continues apace. Regardless of the Irish `No` vote on the Lisbon Treaty last June.
The existence of an armed European Gendarmerie has been denied and refuted by the Europhile press and mass media across the member states and dismissed as a "Europhobe's Scaremongering Nightmare".

Danes Told Anal Sex

Danes Told Anal Sex 'Healthy' For Men - 4/7-2008

The `Ekstra Bladet`, a daily `News` Paper here in Denmark ran an article in Sundays edition entitled 'Anal Sex is healthy for men'. The author, a Danish `Sexologist` Mr Robert Lubarski, writes that `men should surrender themselves to their sexuality, and that it was time that the social spotlight was shone on the `Male Orgasm`. He continues that 'Men who allow the accepted male role to dictate their habits in the bedroom are negatively affecting themselves' and that some men who have experienced Anal Sex worry that they might be Homosexual (a fair bet I think). He is concerned that today's man focus's too much on what he believes is his expected part to play sexually, instead of simply enjoying himself.

British State Sponsored Homosexualising

British State Sponsored Homosexualising and Corruption of Children Steps Up A Gear.

But to What End?

By Philip Jones 17 Sept 2008.
This morning, I was reading through the daily `Rusepapers` and happened upon an article in the London Daily Mail which simply defies belief. The headline read;

`Teach the pleasures Of `Gay` Sex to children as young as five say researchers`.

Chemtrails billeder kl. 08:36 d.18/10-2008

chemtrails_danmark_cph_18_10_2008_08-36-03_small.jpgHer til morgen har jeg taget nogle billeder der meget tydeligt beskriver hvad Chemtrails er.
Man kan på billederne se et alm. fly lave en Contrail / Kondeserings stribe efter flyet og striben forsvinder hurtigt igen.
Man kan på et af billederne så "close up" som muligt se at flyet sprayer Chemtrail og at flyet flyer alt for lavt til at kunne være et alm. rute fly, de flyer nemlig normalt i tropopausen og disse Chemtrails fly flyer i max 7-8 Km. højde. Dvs. i Troposfæren.

ENMOD Traktat af 1977

Hvorfor skrive: "Bekendtgørelse af konvention af 18. maj 1977 om forbud mod militær eller enhver anden fjendtlig anvendelse af miljøpåvirkningsteknik."

Dvs. At Miljøpåvirkningsteknik er tilladt til fredelige formål  -  Aaahhaaa!?!

Elektronisk adfærdspsykologi - Behaviorism 2.0

elektronisk_baby_kontrol.jpgElektronisk adfærdskontrol UNESCO skolereform verdensorden.

Først en oversat artikel fra:
Sidst lidt opsøgende indsigt i emnet med et par video links.

Artiklen er skrevet af Don Comis, d. 6. Juni, 2008 - Oversat af Nylonmanden

Den samme teknologi som det vi kender til at spore biler GPS (Global Positioning System), bruges nu til at holde styr på muuh-køerne.

Aerosol Attack

chemtrails_are_not_contrails.jpgChemtrails Are Not Contrails - Kemikalie-spor er ikke kondenserings-spor.

Info omkring Aerosol wikipedia.

Video handler om:
Chemtrails: Aluminium Oxide, Barium Oxide, Biological Weapons, Ethylene Dibromide, Polymer Fibers and Filaments. One Sprays - One Doesn't. Turns Spray On. Weather Manipulation.The Black Line. Respiratory Infections, Chronic Flu Symptoms, Asthma and Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Short Term Memory Loss, Chronic Cough, Arthritis Like Symptoms, Headaches and Dizziness, Skin Rashes. Bacteria, Fungus. Mycoplasma. Depopulation. Who's Spraying You ?

Video lavet af: kissthisguy88

Varighed: lidt mere end 2 minutter.

Sådan påvirkes du og dine børn også

sex_factor_dr.jpgHer er nogle eksempler på hvordan Du og dine børn bliver manipuleret og opdraget igennem TV og andre medier.

Det første video klip handler om Disney og måden, dele af den indoktrineringen der findes i tegnefilm og film påvirker børn, både drenge og piger.

Det andet video klip handler om ordet SEX i Harry Potter's univers, og om hvordan hjernen bliver påvirket af disse subliminals.

Hvem ejer dine børn

pied_piper_of_hamelin.jpgI følge en af de mange Eugenikordfører for de konservative, Vivi Kier, er det Staten der ejer dine børn.
Sådan kan det læses i et læserbrev i Nyhedsavisen d. 23 august 2008.

Tvangs bortadoption af dine børn, grænserne for hvem det kan ske for bliver udvidet hvert år. Hvilket passer fint i Helmuth Nyborg's univers.
Præcis som at pædagoger har pligt til at indberette et barn der opfører sig uden for normalen, om det så er dagdrømmeri/filosofi, selvstændigt tænkende etc..

Husk at det alt sammen er for Fællesskabets bedste.

Her er en illustration af Rottefængeren fra Hameln.

Once Were Vikings

In Defence of Danish Manhood?

I remember as a small boy being completely enthralled by the Hollywood Movie, `The Vikings` starring Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and the beautiful Janet Leigh. I must have been around seven years old at the time I first viewed this epic, and in many ways, it stimulated in me a life long interest in history generally and that of Northern Europe particularly. Many books have been written about the `terrible` and fierce men of the north; The `Norsemen` or more famously, `The Vikings.`



"The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly emptying it of any significance"
. The Danish philosopher `Kierkegaard`.

London's Evening Standard Edition for 1st July 2008 reported in an article entitled `Happyland` that a recent opinion poll revealed that of all the peoples of the world, Danes were the happiest. This the poll stated was due to the country's peaceful atmosphere, Democracy and social equality