The Debt Trap
- Details
- Category: Philip Jones - Writings
- Created: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 14:44
- Written by Philip Jones
The Debt Trap.
By Philip Jones.
The Debt Trap.
By Philip Jones.
Manipulating Order Out Of Fear.
By Philip Jones 21st May 2009.
On 29th April 2009, the U K's Daily Mail ran the following headline;
“Teenager burned alive in scene from horror movie was caught up in love triangle”
The `newspaper` reported that on June 6th last year, seventeen year old Simon
Everitt, died after being tied to a tree, doused all over with petrol, and then burned alive. The reason? Because he had had an affair with the girlfriend of one of his alleged killers. Everitt, had been seen arguing with the accused Jonathan Clarke shortly before he disappeared on June 6th last year. The Court heard the teenager had allegedly been lured to a remote woodland and killed. His charred remains were found in a ditch close to the tree he had been tied to with blue nylon rope.
Lucifer Rising.
By Philip Jones 11th May 2009.
Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiter's of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
The Reason Behind The British State's Institutionalised Prejudice Against Men.
By Philip Jones 5th May 2009.
I have written previously and with great foreboding on how government interference in people's lives is increasing at an alarming rate. In the UK this micromanaging of human affairs has over the past decade taken on a very sinister aspect, as the `social engineers` planners and managers, with their army of programmed social workers, invariably armed with a signed and sealed mandate from Brussels via Westminster, intrude into the most private and personal regions of individual liberty and privacy.
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap : Part Three
Philip Jones 1st May 2009
After writing my article `As You Sow, So Shall You Reap` posted earlier this week on 29th April, it seems as if everywhere I turn, highly concerning reports
of how the British government is actively and deliberately sexualising and corrupting the nation's children, are simply falling into my proverbial lap.
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap. Part Two.
By Philip Jones 1st May 2009.
Empty Hearts, Infertility And Loneliness: The Price We Pay For Licentiousness.
It is a modern article of faith that sexual freedom spells greater happiness. Repression is bad for your health. Modesty is for dinosaurs. Anyone who dares suggest a downside to sexual incontinence is more or less accused of wanting to introduce Taliban-style morals police into the bedrooms of Britain.
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap.
By Philip Jones 28th April 2009.
“Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same”. Job 4 KJV.
In the UK recently, a headline story told of a 13-year-old boy named `Alfie` who fathered a child with `Chantelle`, a 15-year old girl of a reportedly promiscuous nature? It is indeed a sad indictment on British Society that there was no great public outcry, no outraged calls that `something must be done`, no questions raised in Parliament. In fact, the two juveniles were treated in some quarters like mini-celebrities, and let us be clear about this, Alfie and Chantelle are in no way isolated cases in today's Britain.
Taking Liberties.
By Philip Jones 14th April 2009
"How to catch wild pigs. You start by putting out food for them in the same spot every day. In a few weeks you put up one side of a fence. After they get used to eating next to the fence you put up a second, then a third. Finally you put up the last side with a gate. Eventually, without even realizing it, the pigs have become fenced in and dependent on you for their food and protection."
The Global Coup d'Etat.
By Philip Jones 8th April 2009.
The term "New World Order" refers to the advent of a Totalitarian World Government. The current push towards achieving this nirvana has at it's core, a powerful and secretive group known as the Illuminati, which has been conspiring to take control of the the world for millennia.
They aim to do this by the introduction of an autonomous Global State, which would supersede and replace the sovereign nations of the world. Most if not all significant occurrences in politics and international business are manipulated, orchestrated and designed by this extremely influential cabal operating through many front organisations, such as the Bilderberg Group, The Club Of Rome, The Royal Institute For International Affairs and a plethora of others, all of which connect at the very top of the Illuminati's symbolic pyramid.
The End Of Money.
By Philip Jones 12th March 2009.
"Nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six."—.Revelation 13:17,18
Baxter's Influenza Vaccine med Medicinsk-Biologisk-Krigsførelse.
Aktiv fugle influenza (H5N1) blev "puttet" i de såkaldte influenza vaccinationer, dem som mange her i Danmark også er blevet fuppet til at købe, ja pensionister kan få den gratis.
"The tip-off to a serious problem began in early February, when researchers at a Czech subcontractor facility who inoculated ferrets with the experimental vaccine reported the animals died immediately."
Indtil videre er vaccine materialet blevet sendt ud til 18 lande, er Danmark mon imellem ?