Micro Chipping The `Met.`

police_bobby_man.jpgBy Philip Jones 12.4.2008

As a former Metropolitan Police Officer, it was with great concern that I read yesterday's announcement by Sir Ian Blair, The Police Commissioner of London, that every one of the 31,000 serving officers will be `Micro chipped` so that their `movements` can be monitored more effectively. The new device called the `Automated Personal Location System` or APLS will mean that Officers will `never` be out of range of supervisors. This massive invasion of the `last frontier` of human privacy (a person's self) is being sold as a means by which better protection can be afforded patrol units. What nobody, including the Police Federation seems to understand, is that once `embedded` into a person, the potential of this `chip` goes much further than merely being used as a tracking device.

Brave New Denmark Revisited

Perception versus Reality.
By Philip Jones. May 2008


I recently viewed a `blog` by a person named Tim Ferris. The subject matter of said `blog` was  `Denmark the happiest country on Earth`.
I refute this assertion now as I did when ABC News ran the original story in January of 2007. Danes are not the happiest people on earth. Far from it, what they are is an indoctrinated and subdued society who for fifty or so years have been subjected to a social engineering programme which is to serve as one model for the European Federalist Superstate.

Google This!!

By Philip Jones 28.5.2008

Google is a Public US company, and is in the main financed by US Pension Plans. It has an obligation to it's stockholders to run the business in an effective, competent and appropriate manner.

The End Of The Nation States Of Europe

By Philip Jones May 2008

'Europe's nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation'. Jean Monnet (Founding Father Of The EU).

Problem, Reaction, Solution : Versus The Silent Threat.

1984 vs Brave New World.

By Philip Jones 14.1.2008

The United kingdom is sliding inexorably into Fascism. Of this there can be no doubt. The `land of my father's` seems today in many ways like a foreign country to me . The once friendly and helpful `Bobby on the beat` is no more to be seen. In his place are legions of surveillance cameras (6,000,000 to date with thousands more planned), many fitted with loudspeakers to terrorize and shame pedestrians and shoppers publicly into abject conformity. Around the `Mother Of Parliaments`, an area of one square kilometre has been declared a `no protest zone`. This would have been unthinkable only a few years ago.

Når videnskaben "hjælper" os, nu med chemtrails

chemtrails_02_09_2008_dsc_8008.jpgBekæmper de Dig og Mig, leder du efter beviser ? De findes overalt ! - Tro ikke Militæret i form af (“It's not us.”) pludselig begynder at fortælle noget De helst ikke vil have ud i offentlig lys.

Vi mennesker tror ikke en fløjtende fis på De sindsyge videnskabsmænd. De kan finde på at kalde alt muligt gift for "Vi bevæger os i den rigtige retning" og samtigigt udvikler, tester og benytter de Flour, Atombomber, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium, Biologiskevåben, Micrologiskevåben, Radiologiskevåben og Miljøpåvirkningsvåben.

Med inddirekte tilladelse fra ENMOD traktaten.

The Relentless March Of Danish Communism/Feminism.

By Philip Jones May 5, 2008


This morning, a highly politicized and thinly disguised Feminist `Action` paper (PDF File attached) was delivered in the mail along with the rest of the day's post.
The paper is entitled `Support Us` and it calls for strike action on behalf of those who work in the Danish Social Welfare Industry.

Britain Is Sliding Into Fascism.

By Philip Jones – January 16, 2008

Britain is sliding inexorably into Fascism. Of this there can be no doubt. The `land of my father's`, seems today like a foreign country to me . The once friendly `Bobby on the beat` is no more to be seen. In his place are legions of surveillance cameras, many fitted with loudspeakers to terrorize and shame pedestrians and shoppers publicly into abject conformity. Around the `Mother Of Parliaments`, an area of one square kilometre has been declared a `no protest zone`. This would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. Is this really the country of Byron, Shakespeare, Bronte and Charles Dickens ?

Mathematics : The Final Frontier In The Feminists War Against Boys Part Two.

By Philip Jones 26th July 2008.

Recap : Last week, The `Associated Press` proudly reported that in the `largest` study of it's kind, a survey found that girls are now as `tough` as boys in the field of Mathematics. and that this, the supposed last bastion of male dominance in education had been breached. Janet Hyde, of the University of Wisconsin Madison, who led the study said, " Girls have now achieved gender parity on standardised Maths Tests".

Mathematics : The Final Frontier In The Feminists War Against Boys Part One.

By Philip Jones 26th July 2008.

Last week, The Associated Press proudly reported that in the `largest` study of it's kind, where Mathematics is concerned, girls are now as `tough` as boys. This last bastion of male dominance in education has been breached. Janet Hyde, of the University of Wisconsin Madison, who led the study said, " Girls have now achieved gender parity on standardised Maths Tests".

The Silence Of The Lambs. (the true story)

By Philip Jones 29 Oct 2007.
This past weekend, MSN has been running a `Forum` entitled 'Should the 24 week Abortion Limit be reduced ?' referring to UK guidelines on the time limit up to what point an Abortion may be carried out. This `timescale` has been in effect since 1967. Pro Life campaigners in the UK are saying that owing to medical advances, babies of 24 weeks have a better chance of survival and this upper limit should be reduced. It also publishes a thought provoking statistic; 186,000 `legal` abortions were carried out last year in the UK.

The Danish Intifada.

Enemy Without Distracts from Enemy Within.
By Philip Jones February 21, 2008


There can't be too many people who consider themselves to be politically `aware` who have not seen, read or heard something about the `Muhammad` Cartoons, published a couple of years ago by the Danish `Newspaper` Jyllandsposten.

The Fascist European State Show's It's Teeth

By Philip Jones 6th October 2008.


"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
Jewish American writer , Noam Chomsky.

The European Union’s march towards the Totalitarian State it was always intended to be, moved another step closer to achieving it’s own `Final Solution` to those who will not bow down before it’s tyranny.
This week in the country of my birth, a London magistrates’ court will consider a bail application in an extradition case which should set alarm bells ringing across Europe.

DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State

mind_control_dk_ultra.jpgDK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State.

By Philip Jones 3rd October 2008.
“The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilising the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented". The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.
The Hive:
Visiting Denmark and living in Denmark are two totally different states of mind. To the visitor, it is indeed a green and pleasant land. Small and tidy with an apparently happy and welcoming populace. One overlooks the small things, the little irritants and peculiarities because one is on `vacation`.

Brave New Denmark

brave_new_world_cover.jpgBrave New Denmark

By Philip Jones November 2007.

Disclaimer: If you are Danish, this article might be seriously bad for your health.

Before I begin, perhaps I should tell you something about myself. I am a 49 year old British man, married to a Danish lady, and for the moment resident here in Denmark. Prior to first moving here back in 1996, I had spent 15 years as a Police Officer in London and before that 6 years in the military

Chemtrail Plakat

chem-busters_plakat_odense_lille.jpgDenne Chemtrail Plakat blev spottet på Odense Station d. 19/10-2008 og videre sendt her til Nylonmanden.dk

Nylonmanden siger mange tak for plakat aktionen - Opsat af ukendte - De ukendte skal være meget velkommene til at kontakte mig her på siden, så vi kan udveksle information om dette sundhedsmæssige problem, miljøpåvirkningsteknik og krigsførelsesteknik der går under navnet Chemtrails.

The Corporatists

The Corporatists :

By Philip Jones 16th October 2008

euccp300x.jpgCORPORATISTS of left, right and centre show a marked hostility to allegations that the European Union is fundamentally fascist. This is perhaps not surprising since they combine in their belief in supranational government, collective solutions, corporatist economics, State intervention and what Tony Blair often termed the “Third Way” most of the characteristics of fascism.
They must therefore seek to distance themselves from that discredited ideology. This is made easier if they can find an enemy to whom they can ascribe the values of “fascism” – they choose nationalists and those they term “the extreme right”.