Ingen Konspirere, altså ifølge dine medier og regering

Det er helt rigtigt.

Ifølge medier og regeringer, så findes der ingen konspirationer.

I mere end 50 år har der f.eks. været flere såkaldte "konspirations teorier" omhandlende fluorstoffer.

Og min opfattelse: ALLE FLUORSTOFFER er giftige.

Dette gælder også PFOS og PFOA.

Hvad fanden er det for noget?

First independent observation of the effect from microwave on lifeforms

First independent observation of the effect from microwave on lifeforms.

This is a small clip from a full length video made in 1974, Exploring The Spectrum by Dr. John Ott.

This video clip length is 54 seconds.

Dr. John Ott are the narrator.

Listen carefully of his explanation of the observed.



Arthur Firstenberg - 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity

A Must See

Video length: 40 min.

By Arthur Firstenberg

About the microwave industri and You are taking part in the destruction of the world.

If you think the climate change is real - Let me ask You, why don't You point your fingers at the mobile industry - Microwave in all forms have a heating effect.
Please Think before following "role models" pushed by rich globalist and industry.

Do viruses even exist?

Simple answer: No!

Great info about how the medical industry, scam the world.

I have written about Stefan Lanka on this site before and also emailed alot of media in Scandinavia, for why they did not write a follow up on the trial in Germany, Stefan Lanka vs. David Barden - The media only wrote that David Barden won - But He did not win.
Just try google stefan lanka, You will notice what I mean.

Video length: 31 min.

By youtube channel extremnews

I found it at

Video Tom Barnett Corona Virus and Lock Down

You cannot catch a Virus, other than by injection.

I could not have explained this better in 11 min.


Thank You Tom Barnett for trying to let people know.

Video length: 11 min.


Don't get vaccinated!

You can also read my old story (2009) about the HPV vaccine gardasil in Danish


The World Of Gullible Idiots

As, H.C. Andersen wrote it in: There is no doubt about it.
The media, government, etc.. Are the story tellers.

What the Compromised Idiots of this world would like You to believe, is that Virus is Alive and spreading from this to that and so forth. At the same time, the same Idiots know, but hardly ever tell you that Virus is not a living organism - And at the same time, tell You, that a Virus cannot survive for a long time on postal letters.

And You are a bigger Idiot, if you believe all this nonsense.

Because, if it does not make sense, it is nonsense.

Informaton on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu


If You think that microwaves have no effect on lifeforms, please watch First independent observation of the effect from microwave on lifeforms

Please keep Your critical thinking, microwaves are not good for You. Is 5G the cause of the so called coronavirus?

From my opinion, not exactly.
But when Your body get into a new invironment (Here in the form of microwave frequenzy / interval radiation) - It will try to adapt at the cost of energy and body/brain/signal etc.. functions - This will have an effect on the living body and will create a new kind of waste product - That can then be "tested" as a "new" virus.

What the medical industry normally refer to as a Virus is a form of waste product, created by a living body - In trying to adapt to the new invironment (eg. toxication) - It can of cause not handle overdoses of toxins eg. By injection - Just as Pasteur injected antrax into the brains of living dogs and the deadly symptoms of that poison, was by Pasteur called Rabies - A toxin created by bacteria in dying tissue - Do not get that stuff into your bloodstream.

These sick people, sick for fame - Public fame, fame for history or fame for their secret society. Are still here today, but with much more funding - Very dangerous.

Length: 1 hour

Creator: bitchute/Spacebuster

Nej, det er Fluor forgiftning - Tumper

Bier får hjerneskader af pesticider

Edit: Hvad siger de tests der er lavet med mikrobølger tæt op af bistader? Hvorfor tør ikke fortælle om disse tests?

Hvad med at ALLE såkaldte forsker-expert-professor-videnskabs-spassere - Simpelthen blev tvangs fordret med kemifabrikkens fluor foldige føde osv..

Åh nej - De har jo allerede indtaget fluor-drikkevand, fluor-tandpasta, fluor-skylning, fluor-pesticider, fluor-insekticider, fluor-fungicider, fluor-plast - osv... osv.. osv..

Måske det er præcis der problemet ligger - Alle er blevet hjerneskadet af fluor.

Sandheden er ilde hørt.




Virus theory vs. Fluoride compounds

Here is a small sample, about the virus theory absurdity.

Please explain how a non-living-thing, is able to survive?

"Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell."

"Is it safe to receive a letter or a package from China?
Yes, it is safe. People receiving packages from China are not at risk of contracting the new coronavirus. From previous analysis, we know coronaviruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages."

It's like when my computer can survive.

If it makes no sense, it is nonsens. - Kun 12 år for sent

Desværre er aktiklen beskyttet bagved betallingsmuren hos - Så Jeg kan ikke læse hele artiklen. Undersøgelse: Partikeludledning fra dieselbiler er langt større, end testmetoder viser


Det man kan læse er stort set ordret hvad Jeg skrev på's side for omkring 12 år siden, så dette er faktisk ikke en nyhed.

Problemet er bare at sandheden er ilde hørt, så ville ikke have jeg kommenterede om bla. Dette emne, Diesel Partikler. har da også slettet de fleste af mine indlæg, så de gamle debatter slet ikke giver nogen mening nu.




Can anyone please Debunk what this women has to say?

Ann Bressington, UN Agenda 21/30

Video length: 15 min.

Listen and learn.

To all you none believers in conspiracies, please go ahead and debunk the message in this video.

It's actually a video from 2013


OR a little shorter version

Kan den nye -Danske- Klimalov betragtes som Landsforræderi?

Her er et par link til masse-hysteri-medierne om den nye "danske" klimalov:

(kræver login)

Men hvad drejer denne nye klimalov sig egentlig om, hvad indebære det frem over - og mest af alt Hvor kommer disse tiltag fra, lad os se på det.

Israelsk Ambassadør til Danmark promoverer homoseksualitet

Ja ja, Baruch Binah, Israelsk Ambassadør i Danmark, promoverer altså kun homoseksualitet i Danmark.

Hvorfor kun i Danmark, hvorfor ikke i Israel?

Måske Martin Krasnik kan svare på dette?

Underligt, fordi giftemål imellem homoseksuelle er forbudt i Israel, så det ville da være på sin plads at bruge sine jødiske kræfter der.

Se Ambassadørens egne udtalelser i video fra Jødisk Informationscenter.

Multikultur løgnen

Multi betyder flere, altså flertal - I dette tilfælde burde det betyde, flere kulturer.

MultiKultur burde ikke betyde EnBlandetKultur - Det er dog lige præcis hvad alle Disse "multikulturalister" promoverer.

Specielt når den Nordiske kultur (Dansk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk, Islandsk, Jysk, Skånsk, osv..), Fransk, Tysk, osv.. Ikke må promoveres, ikke må snakkes om.
Når de Oprindelige kulturer ikke må være til længere.

Alt skal være EnBlandetKultur.

Så er det pr. definition IKKE MultiKultur.

Det er religiøst politisk propaganda, fra zionisterne.

Engang imellem vises modpolerne som: Multikulturalisme vs. Nationalisme.

Hvilket jo er totalt til grin, med mindre man læser MultiKultur, som det rent faktisk skal forstås:

Multikulturalisme = Internationalisme = Kommunisme = Zionisme.

For så begynder brikkerne at falde på plads.

ps. et tak for lån af grafik til


Crossing The Blood Brain Barrier - The Real Damage From Fluoride And Vaccine

Video Length: 1 Hour

Video by Dr. John Bergman


Fluorides will open the Blood Brain Barrier.

Got Fluorine? Well this got: Pesticides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Sarin gas (nerve gas). The list is very long.


I will also link to the worlds first public study of Fluorine compounds toxicity, by Kaj Roholm, from 1937 - The study was done because of many unexplained illness, death, birth defects, etc... Due to Denmark was using Cryolite to make Aluminium and this created a huge amount of Fluorine compounds.
The Initial research started because of unknown disease among workers at the Øresund Chemical Works, Copenhagen, was found in November 1932.