The Force of Destiny

The Force of Destiny
The truth about dieing

What your priest or rabbi would never tell you,
Or didn't know.
And would definitely not like to tell you if they did.

There is no philosophy, science, or religion greater than the truth.
And the truth never fears investigation,
Only lies do.

I am
Rene' Descartes.

Benign economics

Benign economics - Composed by Rene' Descartes 2009                                    

This short script is not about New Age mumbo-jumbo or intellectual discombobulating yak dung, this is the new fiscal philosophy that are coming, shortly, in the very near future, either you like it or not. Simply because, if it does not come, then most of humanity will cease to exist as loving and kind human entities, and instead become beasts of burden for the reptilian minded Jerks.

Euthanasia, the real scoop


Euthanasia, the real scoop. By Rene' Descartes, June 2009

What really happens when you die is the question we have to ask.

Some people believe that the light goes out when you die and that it is the end of everything, other people have religious beliefs to hold on to. Others have some philosophies or misunderstandings, about what happen when a person dies.

Anarchy or Tyranny : Is This The Most Pertinent Question Of Our Age

anarchy_imgres.jpgBy Philip Jones 16th January 2009.

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom" John F. Kennedy.

Global opvarmning med en obelix i øjet

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” - Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.   


“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” -  Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology  and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”  

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” - UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

At vågne fra sin koma

individ.jpgNår de fleste i dag bliver bange fordi de får et glimt af sandheden; Så kan det sammenlignes med en person der har ligget i medicinsk/hospitals koma i 10-20 år. Når de vågner opstår der et chok i hjernen, de informationer hjernen rummer, stemmer jo ikke overens med det verden viser frem foran dine øjne.

Hvad er sandheden.

Agenda Bæredygtighed med indbygget frygt

red_black_green.svg.jpgTeknik: Frygt, Skyldfølelse, Fællesskab.

Rundt i ring igen og igen, skaberne skaber mere og mere Fællesskab, altså det påduttede robot lignende fællesskab uden dybe menneskelige følelser.

Måske lidt som Hegelian Dialectic: Tese, Anti-tese, Syntese.

Bag de mange indviklede FN institutioner, hvis hovedformål er udryddelse af mennesket som vi kender det i dag, står Elitens lakajer og Eliten selv.

Angreb af mobiltelefon zombier

call_me_cellphone_exposure.jpgDe er overalt.

Og de vinder.

Gå ned af stort set alle storby gader, hvis du stadig tør, og du vil opdage med en rystelse af alarm, at ingen omkring dig er bevidste om hinandens tilstedeværelse eller deres omgivelser, som de tilfældig passere med en automatisk form for gangart. Høring blokeret af øredøvende eller brægene hovedtelefoner, hovedet bøjet over mobiltelefoner, iPods, Palm piloter, multimedie-afspillere, tekst messengers og andre hypnotiske elektro-gear, disse omvandrende døde med deres blanke blik er så langt væk fra den virkelighed omkring dem, at de ikke engang ved, at de er væk.

800 Danske Top borgere kan ikke tage fejl eller ?

borgertopmoedelogo.jpgBorger Topmøde

Fra udtagelsen i blandt de 24.000 "Danske" Top borgere blev 800 Top indoktrinerede borgere udtaget. Alle deltagerne tænkte fuldstændigt individuelt udfra deres indoktrinerede viden om sundhed, samfund, samfundsnormer, kommunisme, adfærd, kommunistiske metoder, skat, ja alt muligt.

The EU Communitarian Agenda and The New Feudalists

euccp300x.jpg By Philip Jones 26th October 2008

"Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalization of society." Vaclav Klaus.

Danmarks Radio laver Counter Intelligens

dr_propaganda_partikel_filtre.jpgDanmarks Radio laver Counter Intelligens - Propaganda

Ikke overraskende for nogle af os - Så havde Danmarks Radio et indslag i 21:00 nyhederne Fredag d. 24 Oktober 2008. Indslaget ligger også på DR update nu. DR update link

Indslaget handlede om Lastbilernes partikel filter og indslaget har slet ikke hold i virkeligheden.

Ultra små, Ultra fine og Ultra farlige partikler kommer fra Chemtrails.

Lene Espersen arbejder for David Rockefeller

leneespersen_22_10_2008.jpgLene Espersen arbejder ikke for Danmark og den Danske befolkning.

Det lyder jo alvorligt og det er det skam.

Alt imens den danske befolkning betaler Lene Espersen's løn, har Lene Espersen helt andre "arbejdsgivere".

Jeg var d. 22 Oktober til et Konservativt møde i Dansk Design Center, hvor jeg stillede nogle spørgsmål, mange ikke havde regnet med kom frem i dagens lys.

Denmark : The Model Matrix For A Brave New World.

By Philip Jones 29th August 2008

“The perfect totalitarian state is one where the all powerful political bosses and their army of managers, control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude.” Aldus Huxley Brave New World.

The British State Media Whore Big Pharma Nexus

By Philip Jones 3rd September 2008.

On the front page of MSN UK this morning is the below article. Please note the happy faces of the three pretty young girls. I’ll wager my house that following the three shot Gardasil vaccine programme being advocated to inoculate against this `killer` virus, they won’t be smiling so heartily.

This MSN article is typical of the mainstream media’s whorish slavery to the State/Pharma Nexus.