Mapping the earth, atmosphere, light and perspective
- Details
- Category: Skriverier
- Created: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 10:58
- Written by Nylonmanden
I wrote this 6 month ago, so for fun sake, there it is.
How google maps may works
Adapt or die - As COP15 write on their homepage
Well in this play, the criminals are legally, by their own definition, threatening the actors (You).
If you don't, do as COP15 tell you to, COP15 will kill you.
This play is getting so boring; it just resembles old plays anyway, like the play of the catholic inquisition, yet again out to sell salvation, now in a Global perspective.
Why do the main media not report the "email hack" at East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU).
There have only been very few of them and that's very odd, when it is suppose to be the biggest scandal in the modern scientific history and one of the pillars of their green agenda.
If the controllers really want a violent riot at the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen, is this not a typical script then. I mean maybe they are waiting for the right moment to bring the story as a BreakingNews story. Maybe the meeting will collapse and/or people outside will go crazy, probably staged with lots of followers.
Der er intet nyt i, at Elitens lakajer lyver. Kan du ikke lyve, så bliver du ikke ansat.
Hacking er ulovligt. Overvågning af Os og det at lyve over for hele planeten, er helt OK, sålænge det er menneskehedens værdier der gives til Eliten.
At lyve om klimaet for, at tjene penge og opbygge en ny verdensorden, der er helt anderledes end det "system" vi kender i dag. Intet nyt under stolen.
Baxter's Influenza Vaccine med Medicinsk-Biologisk-Krigsførelse.
Aktiv fugle influenza (H5N1) blev "puttet" i de såkaldte influenza vaccinationer, dem som mange her i Danmark også er blevet fuppet til at købe, ja pensionister kan få den gratis.
"The tip-off to a serious problem began in early February, when researchers at a Czech subcontractor facility who inoculated ferrets with the experimental vaccine reported the animals died immediately."
Indtil videre er vaccine materialet blevet sendt ud til 18 lande, er Danmark mon imellem ?