- Kun 12 år for sent

Desværre er aktiklen beskyttet bagved betallingsmuren hos - Så Jeg kan ikke læse hele artiklen. Undersøgelse: Partikeludledning fra dieselbiler er langt større, end testmetoder viser


Det man kan læse er stort set ordret hvad Jeg skrev på's side for omkring 12 år siden, så dette er faktisk ikke en nyhed.

Problemet er bare at sandheden er ilde hørt, så ville ikke have jeg kommenterede om bla. Dette emne, Diesel Partikler. har da også slettet de fleste af mine indlæg, så de gamle debatter slet ikke giver nogen mening nu.




Can anyone please Debunk what this women has to say?

Ann Bressington, UN Agenda 21/30

Video length: 15 min.

Listen and learn.

To all you none believers in conspiracies, please go ahead and debunk the message in this video.

It's actually a video from 2013


OR a little shorter version

Crossing The Blood Brain Barrier - The Real Damage From Fluoride And Vaccine

Video Length: 1 Hour

Video by Dr. John Bergman


Fluorides will open the Blood Brain Barrier.

Got Fluorine? Well this got: Pesticides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Sarin gas (nerve gas). The list is very long.


I will also link to the worlds first public study of Fluorine compounds toxicity, by Kaj Roholm, from 1937 - The study was done because of many unexplained illness, death, birth defects, etc... Due to Denmark was using Cryolite to make Aluminium and this created a huge amount of Fluorine compounds.
The Initial research started because of unknown disease among workers at the Øresund Chemical Works, Copenhagen, was found in November 1932.


Hvad er den Ny Verdens Orden? - What is the New World Order?

Hvad er den Ny Verdens Orden?

Så du tror at "De" slås om olie?

Ny Verdens Orden

ALLE politikere er med i klubben, ALLE - Der er ingen undtagelser.

Er Man politiker og går imod, så vil der regne angreb af alle slags ned over En - Indtil man går med Dem eller dør.

Konspirations teori, Næhh, det er fakta.

Her er en video på engelsk, 6 min. af Know More News - Se flere af hans videoer, for at få en dybere indsigt.



What is the New World Order?

So You think that "They" fight over oil?

New World Order

ALL politician are in the club, ALL - There are no exceptions.

If A politician goes against, it will rain down with attacks upon that one - Until one goes along with the plan or until death.

Conspiracy theory, nope, it's facts.

Here is a video, 6 min. by Know More News - What more of his videos for deeper insight.


Babyband - Kontrol


Her er lige lidt ældre musik, med en godt skrevet tekst, der som titlen handler om stats-/medier/-etc. kontrol.

Skrevet af Berit Grane Poulsen, som også har skrevet en del for Rugsted/Kreutzfeldt og andre.

Tak til youtube kanal, DemonDKstration, for at den kan høres på youtube.

Hvis man meget gerne vil se selve musik videoen, tilhørende denne sang, kan den findes frem i Kim Schumacher's arkiver på i en af hans musik programmer.


Know More News - The Bolshevism & Zionism Dialectic

Know More News - The Bolshevism & Zionism Dialectic

Thanks to Adam Green and Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

This information is very important for every human on earth.

Length of video interview: 1:34:38



Visit Know More News on youtube.

Visit Christopher Jon Bjerknes on youtube and


In less than 10 days that video / talk was banned in mostly EU.

2 people talk together = Not allowed.


And you still think your not living under a tyranic system? Used to be called Communism.


Hear Adam and Christopher latests talk here:


Video: EUROPA - The last battle

europa-video-serie.jpg Historien om Europa i fra omkring 1750 om frem efter og hvordan Jøder har spillet ofre, selv om Det modsatte er virkeligheden.

Hvordan Socialisme / Communisme er Jødiske styre systemer, der gør alle andre end Jøder til slaver for Jøder.

Hvorfor vil Jøder udryde næsten alle hvide menneske og gøre alle andre til slaver for Dem?


Video fjernet fra youtube, så her er et Bitchute link.

BitChute link:

Alle videoer i serien EUROPA kan se/findes her:
eller her:

Begge med alternative video links til andet end youtube.



Video: How the Globalists Stole Our Home

UN Forced Migration, into Your home.

+ Furture laws, making it illigal to speak against migration.

UN Migration Pact

Video length: 11 min.

Video by: Way of the World

Way of the World has done alot of good videos, in his way, understanding and explaining - The way of the world. Your should check them out, you might learn something you did not know about the world.


Skyscratch - The Geoengineering / Chemtrail Cover Up (Full, HD)

skyscratch.jpg Skyscratch

Video about Geoengineering from 2014, still just as relevant and getting more and more relevant.
As you can see in this video the chemtrails are visible in the public weather radar images, if you look today at public weather radar images, the chemtrails is now being erased from the public radar images.

Video length: 55 min.

Video by: thepaulstalservice

Eva Bartlett speaking about Syria and Aleppo

aleppo-eva-bartlett.jpg What is going on in Syria and Aleppo

Eva Bartlett, Freelance Journalist from Canada - Tell her story.

Mainstream Media keeps lying, so maybe you should ask the question - Who control the mainstream media?

I have allways been told: Don't believe everything you read/hear on the NEWS.
Im sure many more have been told this, so think about what stories You have read/heard/seen - That are NOT true. Anything comes to mind?

Video length: 18:34

Video source:

Video clip uploaded to youtube by: Peekay Truth

This video clip contains questions from Christopher Rautenberg from Aftenposten ( - Though I have not been able to confirm this information, given by the Man asking the questions.